Wednesday, November 27, 2019

JFKs inaugural address and Dear Mr President Essays - Chivalry

JFK's inaugural address and Dear Mr President Essays - Chivalry JFK's inaugural address and Dear Mr President On January 20, 1961, as on most presidential inauguration days, the nation was governed by one president until noon and by another afterward. The contrast between outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his incoming successor, John F. Kennedy, was dramatic and visible. The youngest man ever to be elected president (Kennedy was forty-three) was replacing the oldest man yet to leave the office (Eisenhower was seventy). A Democrat was replacing a Republican. A celebrated World War II combat hero was replacing the celebrated World War II supreme commander. A professional politician who had served three terms in the House of Representatives and less than two terms as the junior senator from Massachusetts was replacing a career military leader whose first and only elective office was the presidency. Most importantly, perhaps, Kennedy's election replaced a defender of caution, prudence, and restraint with an advocate of change and energetic leadership. Kennedy was the type of man that reached out to the audience and showed them that his role as president was the way to bring about change and freedom to the world. adversary during the Cold War: "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." But he also pledged that "we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." In the best-remembered phrase of his presidency, Kennedy summoned the idealism of the American people: "ask not what your country can do for youask what you can do for your country." The call was broadly appealing. It "resonated with liberals who shared Kennedy's belief in public service, and with conservatives who were weary of government handouts.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Myth of Cupid and Psyches Forbidden Love

The Myth of Cupid and Psyche's Forbidden Love The great Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, was born from the foam near the island of Cyprus, for which reason she is referred to as the Cyprian. Aphrodite was a jealous goddess, but she was also passionate. Not only did she love the men and gods in her life, but her sons and grandchildren, as well. Sometimes her possessive instincts led her too far. When her son Cupid found a human to love one whose beauty rivaled hers Aphrodite did all in her power to thwart the marriage. How Cupid and Psyche Met Psyche was worshiped for her beauty in her homeland. This drove Aphrodite mad, so she sent a plague and let it be known the only way the land could get back to normal was to sacrifice Psyche. The king, who was Psyches father, tied Psyche up and left her to her death at the hands of some presumed fearsome monster. You may note that this isnt the first time in Greek mythology that this happened. The great Greek hero Perseus found his bride, Andromeda, tied up as prey for a sea monster. Andromeda was sacrificed to appease Poseidon who had ravaged the country of Ethiopia, which was ruled by her father after Queen Cassiopeia had boasted about her own beauty. In the case of Psyche, it was Aphrodites son Cupid who released and married the princess. The Mystery About Cupid Unfortunately for the young couple, Cupid and Psyche, Aphrodite was not the only one trying to foul things up. Psyche had two sisters who were as jealous as Aphrodite. Cupid was a wonderful lover and husband to Psyche, but there was one odd thing about their relationship: He made sure Psyche never saw what he looked like. Psyche didnt mind. She had a fulfilling nightlife in the dark with her husband, and during the day, she had all the luxuries she could ever want. When the sisters learned about the luscious, extravagant lifestyle of their lucky, beautiful sister, they urged Psyche to pry into the area of his life that Psyches husband kept hidden from her. Cupid was a god, and gorgeous as he had to have been with Aphrodite for a mother, but for reasons known best to him, he didnt want his mortal wife to see his form. Psyches sister didnt know he was a god, although they may have suspected it. However, they did know that Psyches life was much happier than theirs. Knowing their sister well, they preyed on her insecurities and persuaded Psyche that her husband was a hideous monster. Psyche assured her sisters they were wrong, but since shed never seen him, even she started having doubts. Psyche decided to satisfy the girls curiosity, so that night she took a candle to her sleeping husband in order to look at him. Cupid Deserts Psyche Cupids angelic form was exquisite, so Psyche stood there gawking at her husband with her candle melting. While Psyche dawdled, ogling, a bit of wax dripped on her husband. Her rudely awakened, irate, disobeyed, injured husband-angel-god flew away. See, I told you she was a no good human, said mother Aphrodite to her convalescing son Cupid. Now youll have to be content among the gods. Cupid might have gone along with the de facto divorce, but Psyche couldnt. Impelled by the love of her gorgeous husband, she implored her mother-in-law to give her another chance. Aphrodite agreed, but ungraciously, saying, I cannot conceive that any serving-wench as hideous as yourself could find any means to attract lovers save by making herself their drudge; wherefore now I myself will make trial of your worth. The Epic Trials of Psyche But Aphrodite had no intention of playing fair. She devised 4 tasks (not 3 as is conventional in mythic hero quests; this is a feminine story), each task more exacting than the last. Psyche passed the first 3 challenges with flying colors, but the last task was too much for Psyche: Sort a huge mount of barley, millet, poppy seeds, lentils, and beans. Ants (pismires) help her sort the grains within the time allotted.Gather a hank of the wool of the shining golden sheep. A reed tells her how to accomplish this task without being killed by the vicious animals.Fill a crystal vessel with the water of the spring that feeds the Styx and Cocytus. An eagle helps her out.Aphrodite asked Psyche to bring her back a box of Persephones beauty cream. Going to the Underworld was a challenge for the bravest of the Greek mythical heroes. Demigod Hercules could go to the Underworld without much bother, but even Theseus had trouble and had to be rescued by Hercules. Psyche barely batted an eye when Aphrodite told her she would have to go to the most dangerous region known to mortals. That part was easy, especially after the tower told her how to find the entryway to the Underworld, how to get around Charon and Cerberus, and how to behave before the Underworld queen. The part of the fourth task that was too much for Psyche was the temptation to make herself more beautiful. If the perfect beauty of the perfect goddess Aphrodite needed this Underworld beauty cream, Psyche reasoned, how much more would it help an imperfect mortal woman? Thus, Psyche retrieved the box successfully, but then she opened it and fell into a deathlike sleep, as Aphrodite had secretly predicted. And by and by shee opened the boxe where she could perceive no beauty nor any thing else, save onely an infernall and deadly sleepe, which immediatly invaded all her members as soone as the boxe was uncovered, in such sort that she fell downe upon the ground, and lay there as a sleeping corps.William Adlington Translation (1566) Reunion and Happy Ending to the Myth of Cupid and Psyche At this point, divine intervention was called for if the story were to have an ending that made anyone really happy. With Zeus connivance, Cupid brought his wife to Olympus where, at Zeuss command, she was given nectar and ambrosia so she would become immortal. Incontinently after Jupiter commanded Mercury to bring up Psyches, the spouse of Cupid, into the Pallace of heaven. And then he tooke a pot of immortality, and said, Hold Psyches, and drinke, to the end thou maist be immortall, and that Cupid may be thine everlasting husband. On Olympus, in the presence of the other gods, Aphrodite reluctantly reconciled with her pregnant daughter-in-law, who was about to give birth to a grandchild Aphrodite would (obviously) dote on, named Pleasure. Another Story of Cupid and Psyche C.S. Lewis took Apuleius version of this myth and turned it on its ear in Till We Have Faces. The tender love story is gone. Instead of having the story seen through the eyes of Psyche, its seen through her sister Orvals perspective. Instead of the refined Aphrodite of the Roman story, the mother goddess in C.S. Lewis version is a far more weighty, chthonic Earth-Mother-Goddess power.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Describing and explaining the picture attached Essay

Describing and explaining the picture attached - Essay Example There are rough expressions of colors, and a feeling comes that one of the colors has been ripped off at many a places, giving the feel of an old, worn-out painting. The overall look of the painting appears to be flat because the artist has not used vivid colors to distinguish one object from another. The proportion of the size of all objects is regular. Although there is not a clear message in the painting, yet I feel that there is a very deep note, keeping in view the murkiness of the white and black color that rules the painting. There is a sense of gloominess; and, the mother seems sad, but the presence of her baby is a spark of life. The painter has tried to reinforce the truth of life, which is a combination of sadness and happiness, or of dark and light shadows in life. Sadness rules in the painting, as the mother is not able to cope with the stressful moments of her life; while, joy is also there in the form of a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Questionnaire Survey Method for Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questionnaire Survey Method for Research - Essay Example There are various methods of research available including statistical analysis, simulations, observations, interviews, action oriented research, case study based research etc. Depending upon the field of research, the major approaches to research methodology differs and research in social science fields rely mainly on qualitative and quantitative research. In conducting qualitative or quantitative research, various research tools are utilised and questionnaires remain a key component in survey based research activities. Motives behind initiating a qualitative research is mainly to uncover or establish a basic understanding, knowledge or a hypothesis pertaining to a certain issue. Such research often lays the foundation for further research of quantitative nature, which can establish the validity of new knowledge generated through the qualitative research. Qualitative research differs from quantitative research on grounds of what is being researched of. â€Å"Qualitative research involves the collection of data about attitudes, beliefs and intensions† (Hall et al 2004). The objective of qualitative research is to unearth in-depth knowledge of reasons, which drives the human behavior while quantitative research on the other hand is concerned of data that can be measured. While there are numerous means of conducting qualitative research, methods such as focus groups, surveys through application of unstructured or semi structured questionnaires as well as participant observations (Wolcott 1995). Surveys remain one of the major forms of research and the most widely used where quantitative research is concerned. â€Å"Survey research is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population, using an instrument composed of closed structure or open-ended questions† (Survey Research 2006). Nature of survey research allows effective and efficient data gathering from a large population and thus

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human rights in Pakistan Essay Example for Free

Human rights in Pakistan Essay Pakistan’s human rights situation is a complex one, as a result of the countrys diversity, large population, its status as a developing country and a sovereign, Islamic republic as well as an Islamic democracy with a mixture of both Islamic and colonial secular laws. The Constitution of Pakistan provides for fundamental rights, which include freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of information, freedom of religion, freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and the right to bear arms. These clauses are generally respected in practice. Clauses also provide for an independent Supreme Court, separation of executive and judiciary, an independent judiciary, independent Human Rights commission and freedom of movement within the country and abroad. Although the government has enacted measures to counter any problems, abuses remain. Furthermore, courts suffer from lack of funds, outside intervention, and deep case backlogs that lead to long trial delays and lengthy pretrial detentions. Many observers inside and outside Pakistan contend that Pakistan’s legal code is largely concerned with crime, national security, and domestic tranquility and less with the protection of individual rights. In May 2012, President Asif Ali Zardari signed the National Commission for Human Rights Bill 2012 for the promotion and protection of human rights in the country. Read more:  Current Situation of Pakistan Essay Political abuse of human rights:- Provincial and local governments have arrested journalists and closed newspapers that report on matters perceived as socially offensive or critical of the government. Journalists also have been victims of violence and intimidation by various groups and individuals. In spite of these difficulties, the press publishes freely, although journalists often exercise self-restraint in their writing. The government often ignores abuses against children and religious minorities, and government institutions and some Muslim groups have persecuted non-Muslims and used some laws as the legal basis for doing so. The Blasphemy Law, for example, allows life imprisonment or the death penalty for contravening Islamic principles, but legislation was passed in October 2004 to counter misuse of the law. Furthermore, the social acceptance of many these problems hinders their eradication. One prominent example is honor killings (â€Å"karo kari†),  which are believed to have accounted for more than 4,000 deaths from 1998 to 2003[citation needed]. Many view this practice as indicative of a feudal mentality and falsely anathema to Islam, but others defend the practice as a means of punishing violators of cultural norms and view attempts to stop it to as an assault on cultural heritage. Pakistans military intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), and the police have been accused of arresting and kidnapping political leaders who have demanded more autonomy or freedom from Pakistan. They have also been accused of arresting student activists and teachers protesting the exploitation of Pakistani government. Many human-rights activists in Pakistan have protested against force disappearances and kidnappings. Humanitarian response to conflict:- Violence in Pakistan and the Taliban conflict with the government have heightened humanitarian problems in Pakistan. Political and military interests have been prioritised over humanitarian considerations in their offensives against the Taliban, and issues likely to get worse as people are encouraged back home prematurely and face once again being victims of the insurgents. Displacement is a key problem and humanitarian organisations are failing to address the basic needs of people outside displacement camps, nor are they able to address issues such as the conduct of hostilities and the politicisation of the emergency response. Researchers at the Overseas Development Institute argue that aid agencies face dilemmas with engaging with the government, as this does not always produce the desired results and can conflict with their aim of promoting stability and maintaining a principled approach. A principled approach limits their ability to operate when the government emphasises political and security considerations. There were over 500,000 people displaced in 2008, mainly from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) on the border with Afghanistan, and a further 1.4 million from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa in May 2009. By mid-July 2009, Pakistan’s National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) put the total of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) at just over 2m, while unofficial figures are as high as 3.5m.[4] Most of those displaced (up to 80%) were taken in by relatives, friends and even strangers Pashtun communities in particular have displayed great efforts in assisting the displaced despite their own high levels of poverty. Still others use  schools, but only a small minority live in approximately 30 official camps, mainly in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Graduation Speech: Strive to Succeed :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

This is it. In less than five minutes we'll be done with high school But you know I've got to say something before we go. When I moved here in eighth grade my plan was to go back to live with my Dad in Washougal to be with my friends that I had for ages. But I stayed, I got to know you guys, and heard stories about you and your life-long friends. And I even got implanted in some of your memories. Actually, in this year cheerleader ... who was it, oh Jason Jons wrote something proving this in my yearbook. This is what he wrote, "There's too much to be said here man. We've been friends sine 7th GRADE. (Eyebrows and smile.) Remember those times," apparently not, "with the bass rebels." Now Jason who are they? Something along the lines of Desperado. Then he continues to tell me how I shouldn't anything especially that which I've never experienced. But along with all the stories and memories, I learned so much more from all of you. Burke you taught me how to work hard and work with confidence, and for those that know Burke they know that confidence is not something he is in short supply of. And Josh you prov ed that white guys can bust a move. Kira showed that a smile with a laugh can move a mountain, and Randy like Einstein you have displayed that all geniuses have messed up hair dos. I mean really, one day he comes up to me pulls out a lock of hair and cuts it off with a pair of scissors and said, "Christian, you can't tell where it came from." And I didn't say it then, but I really couldn't. However, ladies and gentlemen, parents, faculty, and administration the observation that is most prevalent about this class, the thing that I have learned the most from the, is that hope is something that only dies when you give up, and it is something that will never dies in this group of people. I don't think I need to mention how many times this class, in spite of its numerous accomplishments, has emotionally hit rock bottom. But these graduates here tonight, the people that I am honored to call my class with aide of each other pick themselves up, smile, and know that tomorrow is coming with a promise, a promise that if we do not relent we will succeed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pros of Social Media Essay

Greenfield may well have a point when she argues that the young brain can’t handle over-stimulation of â€Å"fast action and reaction. † But isn’t that the same argument we’ve been making about all technology and entertainment for decades now? Indeed, I’m of the MTV generation and all those fast cuts and blaring sounds were supposed to warp my brain long ago. (I know some TechCrunch commenters who would argue it has†¦) Everything has a trade off, and I’d argue the benefits in communications, education and collaboration of the Web far outweigh the negatives, and indeed give us greater benefits than we get from TV or Guitar Hero. Kids and social networking: Pros and cons Post this, comment on that. Social media are a part of the daily routines of many adults and children. And the identifiable pros and cons of social networking among kids are beginning to emerge, according to a presentation at the American Psychological Association meeting. â€Å"While nobody can deny that Facebook has altered the landscape of social interaction, particularly among young people, we are just now starting to see solid psychological research demonstrating both the positives and the negatives,† said Larry D. Rosen, Ph. D. professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, and technology researcher. Rosen says ongoing research and preliminary results of studies suggest a few trends in kids. On the plus side: In a world full of distractions, social networking and technology can provide tools for teaching in a way that engages and captivates young minds. Online social networking can also help young people learn how to socialize with their peers; users also show more â€Å"virtual empathy. † â€Å"It’s almost like social networks are training wheels for life in a lot of ways – it teaches you to express empathy and see how people respond,† Rosen said. It teaches you to also just develop your sense of self of who you are. You float things out on a wall post on Facebook and then sit back and look at the comments that you get. It’s a place where you can grow and develop. † What is social media? There are many definitions of the term â€Å"social media† floating around the Internet. While social media is used heavily for marketing, the definition offered by Ron Jones of Search Engine Watch captures what kids are using social networking sites for. Jones defines social media as â€Å"essentially a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online. Most social media services encourage discussion, feedback, voting, comments, and sharing of information from all interested parties. † As Jones points out, social media is a two-way conversation that allows people to stay â€Å"connected or linked to other sites, resources, and people. † The key words for teenagers being â€Å"stay connected. †

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Innovation at the International Foods Essay

Josh Novak who owns a small company called Glow Foods, have been selected to be apart of International Foods Group (IFG) team. IFG Tower was Chicago landmark and part of the company’s logo that appeared at every type of food that existed such as cereal box, breakfast meals, snack foods, etc. There are a lot of differences between Glow Foods, and IFG. In addition, John Ahern (CIO) would like to add more customers to IFG, merging the two Glow Foods and IFG. The goal is to attract the youth and young adult markets in IT. Josh was called to meet up with John Ahern and Tonya (manager of IT marketing) to talk. They started to talk about baseball teams, and the weather. Later on, John started to get to business; John summarized that since they took over Glow Foods they completely thought of arranging their processes including IT. They did not see a reason to run separate data centers. They picked a team to transfer all of Glow Foods’ hardware and software to their corporate systems in a month. Also change their entire Mac’s to PC’s, train employees on ERP system, and keep a small team to deal with Canadian issues. With that being said, IFG’s market their products to women with children and would like to expand and market their products to youths and young adults. John Ahern chose Josh Novack to help grab the youth and young adult customers. There is a team that will help Josh with this project stationed in Chicago. Josh is now the team manager at IFG and in charge of this project to be implemented and result in success. Six weeks after Josh started; he was called to come to Tonya’s office to discuss a few things. Since not everyone in the company is encouraging there will be some serious obstacles to overcome that will need to be discussed and that is both within the IT and the larger company. Tonya will assist Josh the best way she can when it comes to resources, support and to help place Josh’s innovative ideas together. Some serious obstacles that were discussed are expectations, and appearance. There is a possibility that IFG may have different expectations than Glow Foods. Usually, employers hire people based on their skills, interviews, eferences, and presentation. Employers expect them that they are being honest about the type of person that they are, and they want to work for them. Each boss that a person will have all have different expectations to their employees, as they all have different management style, rules, and personality. In reality, there are also expectations of the general work that a person will do, the environment in which they will be working at and the way th at they will be interacting with others in workplace. (CITE) Through experience and research there are common expectations that companies would like their employees to meet. Common expectations are being on time to scheduled work, following supervisor’s directions, maintaining a positive attitude at all times, treat everyone around you with respect, being responsible, and doing your roles. These expectations are usually told to all employees or kept to themselves knowing. Meeting the company’s expectations will help people progress in the company. With all employees meeting expectations, this will maintain the company be successful. CITE) The second part of the serious obstacle to overcome is appearance. Tonya stated that Josh may find that he will get a better response to his ideas if he looks a bit more professional. Just like expectations all companies have their own set of rules when it comes to dressing for work and can be called uniform. Just like police officers have uniforms, so once you see a police officer you will it i s a police officer by appearance. Also when we see people with suits and tie we normally think that they are CEO’s, CIO’s, or Managers. With appearance, an employee can gained more respect from co workers, build self confidence, and also can lead to opportunities. (CITE) Josh can win support for his team’s three point plan to use technology to help IFG’s reach its customers by doing a test to all three ideas and documenting step by step progress and results. In addition, writing a risk evaluation and analysis will help back up any questions that CIO, and CTO may have (John and Rick). Also, a business case should already be in place as well as budget with the technologies needed on both ends, whether the three point plan works or not. Having all of the information in hand will help the team gain some support. Also, think of all of the questions that both John and Rick will ask and look for and include the answers into the plan. This will help gain John and Rick’s support because the ideas were well thought of. Of course, the team will not be able to think off all the questions that John and Rick may have in mind but it will help. In addition, making sure that all the business needs and requirements are met. This is important because it will make the three point plan strong and will help gain support for the team. Here are some ideas that can help each idea gain some support for team. First idea is connecting directly with customers about new product development ideas through an interactive web site with real time response from internal staff. Outlining the cost for this, the number of staff that will be needed for real time response will help, and who will be responsible for the creation of the web site. Also, have the completed GUI or interface of the website ready to show. It looks like this is going to be a 24 hour support, since it is real time response, there should be some guidelines and training needed for the employees that will be assisting and in charge of the real time response to customers. With this being said, listing all possible risk with mitigation actions, and basically writing a risk analysis just for this idea. Wonderful customer service will continue to keep coming back. Second idea is to reach out to different communities and gain insights into their needs and interests. With this idea, an informative survey would help. Outlining all questions and possible answers to help guide future marketing plans. Also, having a set schedule of how this reaching out to people would be implemented for example, knowing what location, what employees will assist, is this web based survey (if so, how will customers be notified), etc. these are a few questions that can help marketing. In addition, flyers, and advertisements at locations where youths hang out the most, and/or events that are attended the most by young adults. Also, knowing what is next after gathering information and/or knowing the results will help the team. Third idea is to implement these and all of the ideas on the cloud. Now, with this idea, there should be another risk analysis. Putting information on the cloud involves a lot of security issues, but also has an advantage to companies. With technology booming every second, a lot of companies are putting their information on the cloud. Listing all possible security issues and how it can be solved will help. Knowing all of the details about the cloud, any credentials that are needed, any firewall rules, monitoring ports, and traffic will help this idea. In conclusion, in my opinion integrating IT into marketing is an innovative idea. Nowadays, everything includes or involves IT whether it is financial department, or marketing department. Information technology is embedded in modern marketing jobs. There are IT tools used everyday by marketing personnel such as blogs, email communication, CRM systems, power point presentations, websites, social medias to name a few. Over all without these IT tools, it will be hard to keep marketing updated and to continue to maintain and gain customers. Using these IT tools help the company markets successful.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Alternative Medicine Essays

Alternative Medicine Essays Alternative Medicine Essay Alternative Medicine Essay In this century, a wide rang of people choose alternative and complementary medicine to help alleviate their diseases or improve their general health. According to the World Health Organization (1996, p. 1), â€Å"The term complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to ways of protecting and restoring health that existed before the arrival of modern medicine†. Instead of taking a pill, some patients are opting for alternative medicine, such as yoga, tai chi and massage therapy. Other patients would prefer Chinese traditional medicine, which has no side effects, but is necessary to continue with long term treatment. However, critics argue that patients who receive CAM treatment expose themselves to high potential risks, such as medication interactions. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unconventional therapies. The benefits of the CAM include relief of pain and help with psychological illness with few known side effects. On the other hand, the drawbacks of these medicines are that they are inappropriate for many conditions and lack of medical instructions. One of the key benefits of the complementary and alternative therapies is they can ease pain and relieve mental illness. The movement asserts that more than 600 surveys have demonstrated the benefits of it. Most experts hold it can ease stress, high blood pressure and insomnia. According to Regg (1997, p. 25), studies have shown that half the population uses complementary therapies annually and twenty percentages of those people using CAM are workers. For instance, patients can choose massage, yoga and chiropractors comforting their daily pressure. It is also available that CAM therapies can primary health care without chemicals or doctors. Furthermore, some suffers can relieve their mental stress or help alleviate mental psychological diseases through the CAM treatments. Donarski states that in the past two decades, children and adolescents,who have increased suffering from depression (i. e. , psychopharmaceuticals), are usually using the treatment of conventional medicine. Some studies, however, have shown that CAM is more effective in alleviating mental diseases. For example, they can do exercise, followed by meditation and orthomolecular supplements. Another advantage of unconventional medicine is the absence of side effect. Some surveys illustrate that a wide range number of alternative medicine is safer than conventional drugs. Nowadays, a large number of people who choose herbal products a lieu of prescription medication assume that these products are safe due to their natural features. In some developing countries, patients still continue to use traditional medicine because their primary health care are always associated with a variety of species of plants and animals. Medicine plant plays an important role in potent therapeutic agents. During 1950-1970 about 100 plants are introduced in American market (Verma, 2008, p.345-350). According to some Chinese history records, ancient people often used herbal medicine to alleviate or cure their illness. CAM, however, is inappropriate for a number of conditions. Compared with CAM, modern medicine therapies are more effectively in the serious illnesses and accidents. Complementary drugs are not able to treat serious trauma, such as broken leg, acute peritonitis and heart attack. These diseases should associate with modern diagnostic tests, medical equipments and related drugs, which are not appropriate using CAM to mend patients’ diseases. Buzescu emphasizes that unconventional medicine is more dangerous to cure acute peritonitis than conventional drugs are (2011, p. 127-132). In addition, non-conventional medicine has no medical instructions, including lack of dosage instructions and no regulation. Some traditional medicine has high potential risks because patients can self-dose with herbals. The studies show that the general population, who excessive dosage of this drug can result in allergic reactions (Anonymouse, 2009, p. 624). Moreover, the non-conventional medicine is also lack of regulation. For example, Acupuncture, an old therapeutic method, includes both needle and nonneedle acupuncture. They are absence of controlled studies. Some needles are not disinfected with alcohol, which is not diasostic for patients’ health because of bacterial infections. In conclusion, complementary and alternative medicine has benefits and drawbacks. According to Buzescu (2011, pp. 127-132), conventional and nonconventional are difficult to compare due to the various needs by the patients. Unconventional medicine has some advantages including alleviating Prev Page patients’ physical and psychological pain, and having less or even no side effects. Their disadvantages, however, are inevitable because they are not appropriate for a number of situations and lack of regulation. In recent years, a great number of people have begun to choose the CAM treatments, but others are still worried about their safety. Some experts advocate that when using alternative therapies, it is essential to educate yourself about the cure or system you want to use. Keep the alternative and complementary medicine’s pros and cons in mind. That can make the difference between you having positive experiences or not. Reference List Buzescu,M (2011). Advantages and disadvantages of complementary medicine in otitis media in children . Brasov,Romania. Retrieved from http://gateway. library. qut. edu. au/login? url=http://search. proquest. com. ezp01. library. qut. eduau/docview/1010816657? accountid=13380 Donarski, Janene M (2007). Medical and mental health practitioners perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments for depression in children and adolescents. Retrieved from http://gateway. library. qut. edu. au/login? url=http://search. proquest. com. ezp01. library. qut. edu. au/docview/304699018? accountid=13380 Mark,R (1998). Good medicine. In H. Kaye (Ed. ), Alternative medicine (pp. 24-25). Balmain,N. S. W. Schafer, Lisa M. , Hsu, Clarissa. , Eaves, Emery Rose. ,Ritenbaugh, Cheryl. , Turner, Judith. , Cherkin, Daniel C. , Sims, Colette. , Sherman, Karen J. (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine(CAM)providers view of chronic low back pain patients doi:http://dx. doi. org. ezp01. library. qut. edu. au/10. 1186/1472-6882-12-234 Verma,Sheetal. ,Singh,S,P (2008). Current and future status of herbal medicines. Veterinary World, 1(11), 347-350. doi:10. 5455 /vetworld. 2008. 347-350 Prev Page

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hobbies Vocabulary for English Learners

Hobbies Vocabulary for English Learners Speaking about hobbies is an important part of any English class. As with any activity, hobbies can have lots of jargon, specific expressions, and idioms related to the particular hobby. This guide to hobbies vocabulary will help learners discuss hobbies using a wider range of vocabulary for more precision. Learn vocabulary in groups arranged by hobby types.   Hobbies Vocabulary Study List Discover with your partner each of the hobby types below. If you dont know the hobby, look the hobby up on the internet to discover photos and other clues to learn about that hobby. Try to use each hobby type in a short sentence to explain the hobby. Collecting Arts Crafts Model Electronic Action FiguresAntiquesAutograph CollectingCar CollectingCoin CollectingComic BooksConcert PostersDoll CollectingFine Art CollectingHot Wheel and Matchbox CarsMangaMovie MemorabiliaMusic MemorabiliaSpoon CollectingSports CollectiblesSports Trading CardsStamp CollectingVinyl RecordsWatch CollectingGun and Pistols AnimationArchitectureCalligraphyCandle MakingCrochetFilm MakingGardeningJewelry MakingOrigamiPhotographySewingSculptingCeramics / PotteryFashion DesignFloristryGraffitiKnittingPaper AirplanesPainting and DrawingQuiltingScrapbookingWoodworkingTattoo Ham RadioRC BoatsRC CarsRC HelicoptersRC PlanesRoboticsScale ModelsModel CarsModel AirplanesModel RailroadingModel RocketsModel Ship / Boat Kits Performing Arts Music Food Drink DancingBalletBreak DancingLine DancingSalsaSwingTangoWaltzActingJugglingMagic TricksPuppetryStand Up Comedy BanjoBass GuitarCelloClarinetDrum SetFrench HornGuitarHarmonicaOboePiano / KeyboardTrumpetTromboneViolinViolaRappingSingingStart A Band BartendingBeer BrewingBeer TastingCigar SmokingCheese TastingCoffee RoastingCompetitive EatingCookingLiquor DistillationHookah SmokingSpirits / Liquor TastingSushi MakingTea DrinkingWine MakingWine TastingSake TastingGrilling Pets Games CatsDogsParrotsRabbitsReptilesRodentsSnakesTurtlesFishkeeping Arcade GamesBall and JacksBilliards / PoolBoard GamesBridgeCard GamesCard TricksChessDominoesFoosballGeocachingJigsaw PuzzlesKite Flying / MakingMah JongPinball MachinesPokerTable Tennis - Ping PongVideo Games Individual Sports Team Sports Martial Arts Outdoor Activities Board Sports Motor Sports Archery Acrobatics Badminton Bodybuilding Bowling Boxing Croquet Cycling Diving Golf Gymnastics Fencing Horseback Riding Ice Skating Inline Skating Pilates Running Swimming Squash Tai Chi Tennis Weight Training Yoga basketballbaseballfootballcricketvolleyballsoccerwater polo AikidoJiu JitsuJudoKarateKung FuTaekwondo BirdwatchingCampingFishingHikingHuntingKayak and CanoeMountain BikingMountain climbingPaintballRiver RaftingRock ClimbingSailingScuba DivingFly FishingBackpacking KitesurfingSkateboardingSkiingSnowboardingSurfingWindsurfing AutoracingGo KartsMotocrossMotorcycle - TouringMotorcycle StuntsOff Road DrivingSnowmobiling Hobbies Vocabulary Exercises Use one of the hobby types to fill in the gap in the descriptions below. collectingmodels and electronicsperforming artsfood drinkgamesindividual sportsteam sportmartial artsoutdoor activity  board sportsmotorsports __________  requires you to find as many as possible of one type of thing such as baseball cards, or vinyl records.Arcade _____ include pinball machines and a wide variety of computer games that are played in a large room.You play a ________ if you play basketball, soccer or water polo.Snowboarding and windsurfing are types of ____________.If you like bartending and cooking you look _________.Head to the mountains to enjoy _________ such as kayaking, river ​rafting, and rafting.  ___________ such as snowmobiling and go karts can be rather expensive, especially if you dont know how to repair vehicles.  Some people prefer ______________ rather than team sports. These include boxing, fencing and golf.  People all over the world practice ________ such as Kung Fu and Aikido.  _________________ often include building your own model.  People who sing, act or dance participate in the _______________.   Answers collectingmodel and electronicsperforming artsfood drinkgamesindividual sportsteam sportmartial artsoutdoor activity  board sportsmotorsports Match the hobby or activity to the definition. In some cases, a number of hobbies may be correct. This is a type of dancing that comes from Vienna.This is an activity that involves smoking something that looks like a long, brown stick.This is an activity that involves making small reproductions of airplanes.You play this instrument with a bow.In order to keep these pets you shouldnt be queasy.This is an individual sport that can calm you, as well as keep you in shape.You might climb Everest if you do this hobby.Ride a motorized vehicle with two wheels for this hobby.If you collect this type of comic book, you might need to read Japanese.This hobby involves telling jokes.You must know poker and blackjack if you do this hobby.You must have a good relationship with animals to participate in this sport.This martial art comes from Korea.Fly down the snowy hill on a board with this hobby.Your partner will be stuffed if you take up this hobby. Answers WaltzCigar smokingModel airplanesViolin / Viola / CelloRodents / Snakes / ReptilesYoga / Tai Chi / PilatesMountain climbingMotocross / Motorcycle - Touring / Motorcycle StuntsMangaStand up comedyCard gamesHorseback ridingTaekwondoSnowboarding / SkiingCooking Using Hobby Vocabulary in Class Here are two suggestions on how you can use this list in classroom activities. If you dont attend an English class, you can certainly use these ideas on your own and with English learning friends. Give a Presentation Ask students to choose a hobby theyd like to learn.Ask students to develop a presentation on the hobby using PowerPoint or another slideshow program.   Extend the presentation by asking students to come up with their own gap fill activity to test fellow students on their presentation. 20 Questions Ask students to choose a hobby they know well.Have students get into small groups of three or four.Each student takes a turn. Other students should ask yes/no questions to find out the hobby in a game of 20 questions.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Social and Community Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social and Community Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Social entrepreneurs look to market products to meet the human needs as much as possible, distinguish themselves from other social venture players by doing real things. The importance of social entrepreneurs is called by their ability to be relentlessly focused on influence and society’s changes and implementations of innovations that would help to build platforms for many people in order to enable them to think about positive impact on the global move (Osberg and Martin, 2007). The purpose of study of social entrepreneurship is to suggest factors associated with changes and how societies renew themselves. It will investigate the role of social entrepreneurs, challenges and pathway that made them move into social entrepreneurship. Since, the potential of social entrepreneurship is beyond human thought, the concrete example of such man, as the founder of Toms Company will be investigated and its nature and social impact will be studied. A concept of social entrepreneurship is already a widespread thing, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM Global Report, 2014). The GEM network conducted a global survey on the adoption of social entrepreneurship among forty-nine countries. The results showed an more than one adult in forty participants were already involved into some social entrepreneurship activity (see Appendix A). In modern time, more companies become social entrepreneurs to be able to puzzle upon such social issues as increasing college enrollment rate for students with low-income and fighting with poverty by using numerous innovative nonprofits, social-purpose ventures and hybrid organizations to generate social value for the society (Noruzi, Westover and Rahimi, 2010). Wealth creation is a part of entrepreneurship, but is not the end in itself. What is more important, it is the promotion of social change that sees the opportunities to improve systems, create solutions and develop new approache s for creation of social value (see

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Dopamine Hypothesis of Schizophrenia - Essay Example Besides, several hypothesis are also proposed to explain the etiology of schizophrenia. Freud and Bleuler believed that schizophrenia was caused by a biologic abnormality. In the mid twenties it was believed that schizophrenia was caused by disturbances of child-rearing. A few of the researchers believed the cause of schizophrenia to be a communication deviance between the parents and the schizophrenic child. Twin studies points at the genetic links of schizophrenia. Studies have found a concordance rate of 40% in monozygotic twins and a 15% concordance in dizygotic twins. Another breakthrough that reinforced the biologic bases of schizophrenia is the discovery of the first antipsychotic medication - Chlorpromazine in the 1950's. This has enabled many people with schizophrenia to live a better life. Psychosocial stressors influence relapse and possibly determine the timing of the first episode and may even determine whether the disorder will occur or not. It seems more and more likely that a specific set of biological predispositions is necessary (even if not sufficien t) for the disease to occur. Although the exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown the disease seems to be partly related to increased dopamine activity in certain neuronal tracts. The dopamine hypothesis is the most widely accepted hypothesis in the development of schizophrenia. The original dopamine hypothesis proposed a hyperactivity of dopamine transmission in the limbic brain areas, especially the nucleus accumbens, but also in the stria terminalis, lateral septum, and olfactory tubercle that is responsible for the symptoms of schizophrenia. There is some consensus among researchers that over activity of dopamine systems in the mesolimbic pathway may contribute to the 'positive symptoms' of schizophrenia, whereas problems with dopamine function in the mesocortical pathway may be responsible for the 'negative symptoms'. Evidence to support this hypothesis comes from the fact that most antipsychotics that are successful in treating schizophrenia are dopamine receptor antagonists. In addition, researchers also found that drugs that increase dopamine activity such as cocaine and amphetamines can lead to schizophrenic-like symptoms. This paper mainly focuses on the relevance or irrelevance of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. Evidence in favor of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia There are two main points in favor of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. The first one comes from evidence that most antipsychotics that are successful in treating schizophrenia are dopamine receptor antagonists. The second evidence comes from the fact that, dugs that increase dopamine activity like cocaine and amphetamines can lead to schizophrenic-like symptoms. Evidence for the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia is partly based on the observed effects of drugs such as amphetamine and cocaine. Both of these drugs increase levels of dopamine in the brain and can cause psychosis, especially after large doses or prolonged use. Amphetamine psychosis and cocaine psychosis may produce symptoms that are indistinguishable from the positive symptoms associated with schizophrenia. A review by Lieberman and colleagues demonstrated that up to 75% of patients with schizophrenia have exacerbated the signs and symptoms of their psychosis when given moderate doses of methylphenidate, amphetamine or other dopamine-like